Nestled across the California/Nevada Sierra mountain border, Lake Tahoe is known for its stunning...
Recycled Public Art Installations Beautify Reno
Most people know that recycling benefits the environment and helps advance sustainability, but not...
Composting at Guadalupe
The WM EarthCare Landscape Center at the Guadalupe Landfill features compost and an assortment of...
Recycled Art Projects for Kids
In 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that approximately 292.4 million...
WM’s Recycling Education Curricula for Elementary School
As adults, we are keenly aware of the risks that climate change poses to our planet, society, and...
WM Director Wins Innovation Award
Shawn Tackitt, WM field director of recycling operations, was named the 2022 Innovator of...
Certified Wildlife Habitat at Guadalupe
Since 2009, the Guadalupe Recycling and Disposal Facility has been certified wildlife habitat...
A Certified Wildlife Habitat at Work
Nestled among the windmill-doted hills of the Altamont Pass, the landfill blends into the...
Western Bluebird Wildlife Conservation
Environmental stewardship is a core value of the Anderson Landfill culture. This facility...
WM Employee Spotlight
Heavy Machine Operator 2024:: Discover Who's Raising the Bar for Solid Waste Handling
Landfills are an essential part of the waste cycle. Burying trash is a complex job and to have it done right, managers depend on their best heavy machine operators to do it sustainably and with safety in mind.
From Truck Driving to Thriving Career : How Mirla Hernandez Found Recognition on The Road
Creating a positive impact has nothing to do with job titles. As a driver, Mirla’s attention to detail and genuine interest in improving processes are foundational to WM’s mission of managing waste sustainably.
Heroes on Wheels: Drivers Frank Carrillo and Chris Morello Battle Flames to Save a Home
In the quiet town of Twain Harte, Calif., an ordinary morning took a turn as blazes erupted within the confines of a residential house. Two WM drivers emerged to prevent what could have turned into a major incident.
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WM and Hayward Extend Collection and Disposal Contract
New Deal Extends WM Service in Alameda County’s third largest city for a decade. Includes new cart delivery and other SB1383 enhancements. HAYWARD, Calif., - Hayward residents and businesses will see new trash and recycling carts, more public trash cans and a new...
How To Get Rid of A Mattress in Alameda County: Free Mattress & Box Spring Drop-Off at Davis Street
Updated December 1, 2023 - All Alameda County residents can now dispose of up to five mattresses and/or box springs a day for free at the Davis Street Resource Recovery Complex. About The Mattress Recycling Program “We’re thrilled to provide this convenient program to...
Hayward, CA City Council Awards New Garbage Collection, Organics, Recycling Contract to WMAC
from Waste Advantage Magazine, July 13, 2022 The Hayward City Council voted to award Waste Management of Alameda County a 10-year extension of its existing exclusive franchise to provide garbage, organics and recycling services to the City. The agreement maintains and...