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Mirla Hernandez

Role: Truck Driver
Region: San Joaquin Valley, CA
WM Since: 2005

From Truck Driving to Thriving Career

How Mirla Hernandez Found Recognition on The Road

Creating a positive impact has nothing to do with job titles. As a driver, Mirla’s attention to detail and genuine interest in improving processes are foundational to WM’s mission of managing waste sustainably.

From Truck Driving to Thriving Career

How Mirla Hernandez Found Recognition on The Road

Creating a positive impact has nothing to do with job titles. As a driver, Mirla’s attention to detail and genuine interest in improving processes are foundational to WM’s mission of managing waste sustainably.

"I love this gig. It’s fun. It’s like playing in an arcade all day because you’ve got the joysticks, and you’re playing and aiming."

Employee Spotlight

In chess, it’s said that grandmasters are capable of visualizing as many as 20 moves ahead of the game. Although Mirla Hernandez is not a professional chess player, she is out in the field making strategic moves every day. For 18 years, she has been working hard to predict needs and improve the curbside collection processes at WM’s Winton hauling site.

“She’s constantly reanalyzing how she can get things done better. Reanalyzing how she can improve,” says route manager Adrian Angel. “She’s been on this route for a few years and has totally revamped it. The route gets done in a way better time. It’s not because she’s rushing or cutting corners. It’s purely due to her experience. She can map it out in her head and really put it on paper.”

While strategic thinking may not be the first trait you imagine when thinking about truck drivers, their work often requires a level of problem-solving, creative thinking, and hands-on experience that rivals many other jobs. Garbage truck drivers must complete their routes promptly so as not to compromise other aspects of waste sorting and processing. They often need to handle stressful road situations and think quickly to solve problems beyond their job description, such as when WM’s drivers from Cal-Sierra battled flames to save a burning home.

As a member of the community she serves, Mirla takes great pride in her work. She is not only collecting garbage but also striving to make each route a place worth cherishing. From the cabin of her big truck, she creates strategic solutions to the daily challenges encountered on the road, going above and beyond to address even the unexpected needs of her customers.

“Is it hard?” people often ask her after seeing the complex rig she manages or acknowledging her intense, early-morning shifts. Mirla doesn’t consider her work a burden; instead, she focuses on the joy and excitement the job brings. “I love this gig. It’s fun,” she affirms. “It’s like playing in an arcade all day because you’ve got the joysticks, and you’re playing and aiming.”


WM garbage trucks in a parking lot

WM truck drivers prepare for their early morning collections routes.


While this sense of playfulness may indicate a certain level of ease, Mirla’s confidence comes from experience, operating her routes with the expertise of the seasoned professional she is. In a club of male drivers, she is regarded by her peers and managers as one of Winton’s best, working tirelessly to improve efficiency, safety, and customer service satisfaction.

Doing Better Every Time

Creating a positive impact has nothing to do with job titles. As a driver, Mirla’s attention to detail and genuine interest in improving processes are foundational to WM’s mission of managing waste sustainably. She is the face customers see when they deal with WM. More than the decisions made at corporate headquarters, her daily work defines the customer experience with the company. And make no mistake, if Mirla is in your area, you will get the best service available.

Achieving success with integrity is one of WM’s highest-held values. At each level of the organization, employees are expected to perform their best, but not at all costs. Mirla’s ability to exceed expectations never comes at the expense of safety. “Efficiency usually comes with the connotation that it can’t be safe. Absolutely not,” states Julie Cabral. As the district manager responsible for directing WM’s operations in the Winton area, Cabral’s job is to make sure employees go home the same way they came to work: safely. “She’s very focused on being safe. She’s aware of her surroundings. She’s aware of what’s going on wherever she’s at.”

Being Part of the Solution

You don’t need to be an insider to know that waste operations have good and bad days. Anything from weather challenges, wildfires, and worker shortages can stand in the way of daily collections. When those bad days happen, having drivers like Mirla onboard, with a positive outlook and eagerness to help, streamlines what could otherwise be a chaotic workflow. “We’ve had some pretty challenging days. She’s one of the drivers you can really count on. She will say, ‘Hey, I’ll take on that extra section so the other drivers can focus on theirs to help out the rest of the team.” Her team-oriented attitude, Adrian says, makes her a true leader even in the most challenging times.

As Mirla continues to navigate the intricate routes of waste management, her commitment to excellence, safety, and community service shines bright. Beyond the complexities of her work, she approaches each day with a determination to find innovative solutions and uplift her team. Mirla isn’t just a driver; she’s a seasoned professional, a reliable teammate, and a driving force behind WM’s commitment to doing better every time. In this game, Mirla plays with the strategic brilliance of a grandmaster, always seeking alternative routes and finding joy in overcoming even the toughest counterplays. Her impact extends far beyond the roads she travels, shaping a community’s experience and redefining the standards of excellence in her field.