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Disposing Hazardous & Dangerous Materials

Recycling Right isn’t just about diverting materials from the landfill, it’s also about keeping our communities safe. Many materials that we use every day can turn into dangerous combustibles when placed in the trash. Please see below to learn more about the materials you should NEVER place in the trash.


household batteriesHousehold batteries (C, D, AA, AAA, etc.) should be disposed of at a household hazardous waste (HHW) disposal site or if offered in your area, placed in a plastic bag and left on top of your recycling cart. Never place batteries in trash, recycling or organics carts.

lithium batteryLithium batteries, commonly found in cell phones and other electronic devices must be disposed of at a household hazardous waste facility.

Lithium batteries are extremely dangerous and can cause high temperature fire flareups when crushed.

Check with your local county for more information about proper ways to dispose of household hazardous waste such as batteries.


Safety Alert

Remember to remove batteries from any cordless electronic equipment before disposal. A flashlight, portable radio and other like devices should have batteries removed before disposal at a household hazardous waste facility for disposal.

cordless battery tool

Electronics, Televisions and Monitors

Any item with a microchip inside is considered a household hazardous waste (HHW) and should never be placed in a curbside container. Please check with your local county for proper HHW disposal options.

Some counties and cities have bulky curbside or drop off options for electronics, please check with your local area for bulky service options.

Electronic waste

Propane Tanks

propane tanksWhile convenient for a camping trip or a tailgate party, small propane tanks can wreak havoc at a recycling facility, landfill or in the hopper of a collection truck.

Never place any type of propane tank in your trash, recycling or organics cart. These materials should be disposed of at a household hazardous waste facility.


Even Better Idea!

Consider using a refillable mini-propane tank to reduce waste. Refillable tanks are available at most home improvement or camping stores.

Used Motor Oil and Filters

Used oil and used oil filters should never be placed in any curbside container. Please check your local rules for disposal options. Some cities allow you set used oil and oil filters next to your recycling cart, but the oil must be placed in a WM approved plastic container and the oil filter in a plastic bag. Please check with your local area for used oil and filter curbside options.


Used motor oil and filters

Paints, Household Cleaners, and Pesticides, Herbicides

Any paints, household cleaners or other chemicals should never be placed in a curbside container. These items are considered household hazardous waste (HHW). Please check with your local county for proper disposal options.


Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL)

CFL light bulbs are also considered household hazardous waste. Please check with your local county for proper disposal options.

CFL bulbs