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Vehicles - Trailers

The disposal of a trailer can depend on a few factors, such as its size, condition, and materials. Some landfills may accept trailers for disposal, but it is important to check with your local landfill first to see if they have specific requirements or restrictions for trailer disposal.

Here are some other environmentally friendly disposal options for trailers:

  • Sell or donate: If the trailer is still in good condition, you may be able to sell it or donate it to a charitable organization.
  • Recycling: Some facilities specialize in trailer recycling, and they can break down the trailer into individual parts for recycling. These facilities can be found in many areas, and they can be a good option if the trailer is no longer roadworthy.
  • Scrapyard: Some scrapyards may accept trailers for scrap metal. They will typically remove any hazardous materials and dispose of them properly before crushing the trailer and recycling the metal.